Inserting nested child list with 2 or more columns without id


is it possible to insert a predicate that contains a list of data that contains multiple column?


childField: [ { field1: "aa", field2: "bbb"} ]

i do not plan to insert the child fields as individual objects,

thank you

Nops, try something similar with Facets


		"set": [
				"childField": [ 
          {"column1": "This is a column",
    			 "column1|field1": "aa",
    			 "column1|field2": "aa2" },
          {"column2": "This is a column",
    			 "column2|field1": "bb" ,
    			 "column2|field2": "bb2" }


  data(func: has(childField)){
    childField {
    column1 @facets
    column2 @facets


  "data": {
    "data": [
        "uid": "0x2711",
        "childField": [
            "uid": "0x2712",
            "column1|field1": "aa",
            "column1|field2": "aa2",
            "column1": "This is a column"
            "uid": "0x2713",
            "column2|field1": "bb",
            "column2|field2": "bb2",
            "column2": "This is a column"

thank you @MichelDiz

but this is hardcoding suffix of predicate with index of rows.
i did found out that facets only support specific name of predicate.

this is the only way todo it right? otherwise ive to work with uid

Not sure what you mean :confused:

btw another example would be the one below (Facets are like “list”)

		"set": [
				"childField": [ {"childField|field1": "aa", "childField|field2": "aa" } ]

There is no other way. Dgraph only accepts the specified Data types by design. There is no concept of “column” in a graph DB and there is no way to insert JSON obj into a predicate.

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