Integrating with Apollo Studio

When I previously built an Apollo GraphQL server, I had integrated it with the Apollo Studio (formerly Graph Manager) and it did some nice daily reporting on the free plan. It would be nice if it was possible to tie Dgraph’s GraphQL endpoint to this service.

I am not sure of the magic that Dgraph uses to generate the graphql endpoint, but if it natively uses Apollo Server then connecting it to Apollo Studio would be simply providing an environment variable with a user’s API key from Apollo Studio.

Apollo Server has built-in support for pushing traces to Apollo Studio. To set it up, you provide it a graph API key from Studio.

After you obtain a graph API key, assign it to the APOLLO_KEY environment variable ( ENGINE_API_KEY prior to version 2.13.0 of Apollo Server) in your production server’s environment.

Now the next time you start your production server, it will automatically begin pushing trace data to Studio:

Hi @amaster507
You won’t be able to get that natively, though you should be able to achieve that by having an Apollo Server in front of the Dgraph GraphQL endpoint.

When this gets done, it should be the solution to my question. Is this in any of the current roadmaps?

Hi, there isn’t any connection to Apollo Studio at the moment. We’d have to build something bespoke for that. Which is something that we’ve thought of doing (as indicated in the comment).

Integrations like this aren’t in the current block of work - though Slash GraphQL does have some monitoring.

I think it would be nice to consider adding some more integrations like this. If this is something that’s really needed for you, can you add a github issue that clearly explains what the requirements are and we’ll consider adding it to the roadmap.

@amaster507 Is there any updates with your issue? I’m aslo trying to find a way to use apollo server with my docker version of dgraph

@vardhanapoorv can you give a bit more guide on this if possible? I couldn’t find any tutorial on how to set it

I have given up for now.