Intertwined nested filter

Hi @jlnrrg,

Yes, this seems like a legit use case for supporting nested filters .

We will be looking into adding support for it.

Current work around could be to have a roomName: String! @search(by: [hash]) field inside type Class. This may store number of the Room. (501, 502 etc.)

If this field is added, the query to find such students could be rewritten as:

query {
  queryClass(filter:{or:[{and:[{description:{anyofterms:"Math"}}, {roomName:{eq:"501"}}]},
                          {and:[{description:{anyofterms:"English"}}, {roomName:{eq:"502"}}]}]}){

I am assuming in above query that description field contains name of the class.

The other possible workaround which should work around with current schema is as follows:

  1. Fetch all students taking Math class in Room 501 using
queryRoom(filter: \* Apply filter where room name is 501*\) {
    classes(filter: \* Apply filter where class description is Math*\) {
  1. Similarly fetch all students taking English in Room 502.
  2. Combine the results and perform union or intersection on student list at the client side.