If the node ‘Table’ doesn’t exist, insert it won’t be a problem.
If the node ‘Table’ already exist, update it’s attributes won’t be a problem. but the mutation will make duplicate node of ‘Column’.
In my scenario, the column may be added, deleted or updated, Is there a way to upsert all these outcoming nodes other than check these nodes one by one?
query {
var(func: eq(qualifiedName, "db.table")) {
id as uid
var(func: eq(name, "id?")) {
idcolumn as uid
You can also combine multiple query blocks to define whether mutate it or not. Soon we gonna support multiple mutations, so you could do a kind of “if/else” logic.
Thanks for your reply, but I still don’t understand how to find deleted node by a condition.
For example, I have a table with two columns:
query {
var(func: eq(qualifiedName, "db.table")) {
id as aid
col1 as column @filter(eq(name, "column1"))
col2 as column @filter(eq(name, "column2"))
colAll as column
then I can use these query variable col1, col2 in my mutation. how can I kown which uid in colAll not in collection of col1 and col2, and then delete them?
What exactly you mean by “deleted node”? If you have deleted nodes, it will be empty nodes. And if those deleted nodes are connected with actual nodes. You gonna have dangling outgoing edges. Pointing to empty nodes.
Please, give me a sample of your data. And desired results. So I can follow your reasoning.
Maybe like this:
query {
var(func: eq(qualifiedName, "db.table")) {
id as uid
col1 as column @filter(eq(name, "column1"))
col2 as column @filter(eq(name, "column2"))
colAll as column
var(func: uid(colAll)) @filter(Not uid(col1,col2)) {
useThis as uid