JWT Token is expired when using Dgraph with Kubernetes

I’m getting this error only when i run dgraph through Kubernetes. When i run it through docker-compose I don’t get such error.

        "message": "mutation failed because authorization failed because unable to parse jwt token:token is expired by 2562047h47m16.854775807s"

I currently have this at the end of my schema file

 Dgraph.Authorization X-Auth-Token https://dgraph.io/jwt/claims HS256 "xxx-secret-xxx"

and in my X-Auth-Token i have this payload

  "https://dgraph.io/jwt/claims": {
  "iat": 1592365879,
  "exp": 33149965879

The kubernetes deployment file i’m using is

Thanks for the help

How are you accessing (host) the cluster? Is this from an adjacent system (such as another container in Kubernetes) or externally to the cluster, such as port-forward to localhost?

The current configuration (from the dgraph-single.yaml) does not have ACL enabled, which is required to get an accessJWT.