Live Loader Import JSON Data

I have a Task type defined as follows:

type Task {
  id: ID!
  title: String!@id @search(by: [exact])
  completed: Boolean!
  gmtCreate:DateTime! @search(by: [hour])
  gmtModified:DateTime! @search(by: [hour])
  xid:String! @search(by: [hash])

I use Live Loader to import JSON data as follows:

	"Task.completed": true,
	"Task.gmtCreate": "2022-04-25T11:11:12Z",
    "Task.gmtModified": "2022-05-09T11:25:12Z",
	"Task.completed": true,
	"Task.gmtCreate": "2022-04-25T11:11:12Z",
    "Task.gmtModified": "2022-05-09T11:25:12Z",

Data export successfully.
Now, I want to use xid for data update, the JSON is as follows:


I want to update Task.title with xid 111 to 111-1.
After executing the live command, the data is not updated.

When I do the same the way I use RDF, the data can be updated normally.

I don’t know what is wrong when using JSON file, please help me to point it out, thanks a lot.

As far as I am concerned you can do this kind of update using uid. If you need to find something first then use upsert block:

upsert {
  query {
    q(func: eq(Task.title, "111-1")) {
      v as uid

  mutation {
    set {
      uid(v) <Task.xid> "111" .

I have thought of the way you proposed, but I still want to know why the xid in Live Loader cannot take effect for JSON data.

Can you provide the live loader command that you’re using? Are you specifying the upsertPredicate flag?

Hi @mattph1
Thanks for your reply, the command is as follows:

 /usr/local/bin/dgraph live --files test.json --upsertPredicate "Task.xid"

The content of test.json is:


If I have the following type definition:

type Task {
    id: ID!
    title: String!
    completed: Boolean!
    userid: String!
    user: User!

type User {
    userid String! @id
    username String! @id
    name: String
    tasks: [Task] @hasInverse(field: user)

Step 1: Import data into Task type
Step 2: Import data into User type

Now, I want to relate the data in Task and User.

I have a problem with the execution of the following statement, I have not thought of a solution, how should I do it?

upsert {
  query {
    q(func: type(Task)) {
	  b as Task.userid
	q2(func:eq(User.userid, val(b)))   {
		n as uid
  mutation {
    set {
      uid(u1) <Task.user> uid(n) .