Mutate multiline string

I am trying to add a multiline string into the database but I cannot seem to find a way how to do it.

I tried using ``

  set {
    _:ms <MultilineString> `
    				This is 
    				a multiline string
    						` .


  "name": "t",
  "url": "http://localhost:8080/mutate?commitNow=true",
  "errors": [
      "message": "while lexing _:ms <MultilineString> ` at line 1 column 22: Invalid input: ` at lexText",
      "extensions": {
        "code": "ErrorInvalidRequest"

With " "

  set {
    _:ms <MultilineString> "
    				This is 
    				a multiline string
    						" .
  "name": "t",
  "url": "http://localhost:8080/mutate?commitNow=true",
  "errors": [
      "message": "while unquoting: invalid syntax",
      "extensions": {
        "code": "ErrorInvalidRequest"

How am I able to store a multiline text?

Dgraph’s parser doesn’t supports multiline. You have to use JSON escaping on your end.

Ok thanks,

In the meantime I am escaping the \n in c# and it works for me.

    	This is 
    	a multiline string
".Replace(Environment.NewLine, "\\n");

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