Node capacity sizing for 100+M vertices

I’m playing around a cluster of two 8 core 32Gb RAM machines with 1 zero in machine A and 2 alphas (one in each machine with 9GB LRU). This is over version 1.2.1.

Prepared 1B edges on bulk loader with shard=2 with a schema fragment like this:

type A {
   a: string @index(hash) .
   link: [uid] @reverse

type B {
   b: string @index(hash) .

Where A has 55M nodes, and B has 60M nodes.

When issuing a simple query to count nodes per type, everything goes swell.

The query below takes 10min, issuing through a HTTP client (such as Postman) with a timeout=600s querystring argument:

  var(func: type(A)) {
    cnt as count(link)
  a(func: type(A), orderdesc: val(cnt), first: 5) {

If I add val(cnt), it fails with an empty response, even increasing the timeout argument.
As far as I can see in the logs, the alpha with the link predicate, looses connection to zero and immediately reconnects.

What can I do to get this query working? Is this lack of hardware, or just a configuration I’m missing?

Try to “bind” the query blocks. e.g.

  Ca as var(func: type(A)) {
    cnt as count(link)
  a(func:  uid(Ca), orderdesc: val(cnt), first: 5) {

Example using the movie dataset we have in play dgraph

  # A as var(func: has(<>)) {
  #   C as count(
  # }
 A as var(func: gt(count(, 1)) {
   C as count(
  q(func: uid(A), orderdesc: val(C) , first:10) {

Great tip @MichelDiz, thank you very much. My error was missing the count index. Now query runs in under 2min.