This is possible, (at least it was. It is undocumented, and I am no longer using. Not sure if there are tests under the hood to check for this functionality, so I would not use it in production myself)
I have found that it can lead to a big problem with trying to do some kind of indexing on the edges. I just stopped trying to do these “three-way” relationships and just stick to two-way relationships.
type Loan {
id: ID!
value: String!
currency: String!
lender: Member!
borrower: Member!
type Member {
id: ID!
cordaNodeName: String
borrowed: [Loan] @hasInverse(field: "borrower")
lended: [Loan] @hasInverse(field: "lender")
When possible try to name the edges more appropiately, you will thank yourself later when trying to remember which was an inLoan and outLoan actually go. lended and borrowed makes more sense as the edge names in this context.