Recently I upload data via bulk to Dgraph. Some lines are like this:
<u1147> <register_time> "2014-07-11 15:08:32" .
And the corresponding schema is like this:
register_time: dateTime @index(hour) .
But unfortunately I meet the error report:
2018/02/24 12:57:50 RDF doesn't match schema: parsing time "2014-07-11 15:08:32": extra text: -07-11 15:08:32
Even if I delete “-”, it doesn’t works with reporting
2018/02/24 12:59:46 RDF doesn't match schema: parsing time "20140711 15:08:32": extra text: 0711 15:08:32
So what should I do to solve this question? Or what’s the right format which can be accepted by “dateTime” schema?