Query filter array limits

Short version: Are there any limits to how many hash strings you can pass to a query eq filter? I have a query with 110 strings in an array, and not all of the results seem to be returned. I checked the documentation and did not see anything. I am using version 20.07 on windows with no license.

Long, highly detailed version:
For the past couple of months, I’ve been developing a database for modeling the interactions of equipment at a manufacturing facility and ran into a strange issue today. Each piece of equipment has a unique string fieldID which we use to identify it out in the field. I insert the data with this fieldID and search it by hash string (see partial schema below). I am trying to query data from my database using the DQL python library. When I pass a large number of arguments (110 in this case) to the eq filter, I don’t get all the data I expect. I know the data is in the database because I can use 3 arguments to the filter and get the expected response. Below is the query I am running (I copied it into Ratel with the same result, so I don’t believe this is a python issue).

I run the following query (xxx is defined below)

     getEquipmentByFieldID(func: eq(equipment.fieldID, xxx)){

where the objects are created using this GraphQL schema.

interface baseFieldEle {
	id: ID!
        files: [baseFile] @hasInverse(field: fieldElements)
        drawElement: drawEle @hasInverse(field: fieldElement)
        neighbors: [baseFieldEle] @hasInverse(field: neighbors)

type equipment implements baseFieldEle {
       rawText: String! @search(by: [regexp])
        normalPos: String
	fieldID: String! @search(by: [hash])
        type: String! @search(by: [hash,regexp])
	unit: String @search(by: [hash])
	tandem: String
	loopID: Int! @search
	interlocks: [intAct!] @hasInverse(field: equip)
	isDCSPoint: Boolean!
	dcsGroup: [equipment!] @hasInverse(field: dcsGroup)
interface intAct {
	id: ID!
	equip: equipment @hasInverse(field: interlocks)
	sessionID: Int
	interlocks: [interlock] @hasInverse(field: actions)
	type: intType!

type interlock {
	id: ID!
	fieldID: String! @search(by: [hash])
	loopID: Int! @search
	groupID: String
	actions: [intAct!] @hasInverse(field: interlocks)
    purpose: String!
	description: String!
    class: safetyLevel! @search(by: [hash])
    safety: Boolean! @search
	steps: String!
	process: String!
	vessel: String @search(by: [regexp])
	unit: String @search(by: [hash])
	testFreq: Int
	testType: String
	testStandard: String
        procedureFile: [procedureFile] @hasInverse(field: interlocks)
	sessionID: Int
	funcCheck: funcCheckFile @hasInverse(field: interlock)
	pha: phaNode @hasInverse(field: interlocks)
	equalivent: [interlock!] @hasInverse(field: equalivent)

My schema is larger, but these are the relevant parts. I can’t include my data as this is a work project. An example of what happens is if I make xxx

xxx := ["ID1", "ID2", ..., "ID108", "ID109", "ID110"]

I only get the results for some of the ID’s (have not done extensive testing, but it seems to be the last ones that go missing. For example, I will get nothing back for “ID109” and “ID110”. However, if I run the same query with

  xxx := ["ID108", "ID109", "ID110"]

I get back all the data I expect to be tied to all three elements. I say this to point out I know for sure the data is in the database. I have no idea why I don’t get all the results with the larger query

Turned out to be user error. There was a space in front of the ID that was causing problems. When I re-arranged to do testing, the space got removed.