RBAC Delete Mutation Throws Error When Used Without JWT

I am receiving this error:

  "message": "mutation deleteFilter failed because Dgraph execution failed because line 4 column 4: Only aggregation/math functions allowed inside empty blocks. Got: filter.option",
  "locations": [
      "line": 2,
      "column": 5

From this query:

  deleteFilter(filter: {id: [$id]}) {

given this variables object:


Not providing a JWT header, produces the error. If I provide the header with the JWT including the USERROLE:“ADMINISTRATOR” then the delete operation is successful.

Here is the pertinent schema:

type Filter
    query: { or: [
      { rule: "{$USERROLE: { eq: \"ADMINISTRATOR\"}}" }
      { rule: "query { queryFilter(filter: { isPublic: true }) { id } }" }
      { rule: "query ($USERNAME: String!) { queryFilter { access { grants { isUser(filter: { username: { eq: $USERNAME } }) { username } } } } }" }
      { rule: "query ($USERNAME: String!) { queryFilter { access { grants { isGroup { hasGrantedAccess { hasRights(filter: { isTrue: true and: { name: { eq: canViewFilters } or: { name: { eq: isAdmin } } } }) { id } user(filter: { username: { eq: $USERNAME } }) { username } } } } } } }" }
    add: { or: [
      { rule: "{$USERROLE: { eq: \"ADMINISTRATOR\"}}" }
      { rule: "{$USERROLE: { eq: \"USER\"}}" }
    update: { rule: "{$USERROLE: { eq: \"ADMINISTRATOR\"}}" }
    delete: { rule: "{$USERROLE: { eq: \"ADMINISTRATOR\"}}" }
  ) {
  id: ID!
  name: String @search(by: [exact, term, fulltext, regexp])
  isPublic: Boolean @search
  access: [ACL] # not including this entire type, just showing it does exist

@ibrahim ping?

@pawan would have information about this.