@mrjn@ashish my fault, it’s not a bug. There is an old version 0.7.3 installed. From the command line I should run ./dgraph instead of dgraph which launches the old version.
But, why don’t we display some version information at the startup?
raderdeMacBook-Pro:bin rader$ ./dgraph
Starting commit routine.
2017/03/14 09:53:34 worker.go:89: Worker listening at address:
2017/03/14 09:53:34 main.go:769: grpc server started.
2017/03/14 09:53:34 main.go:770: http server started.
2017/03/14 09:53:34 main.go:771: Server listening on port 8080
Node with GroupID: 0, ID: 1
Node with GroupID: 1, ID: 1
Group 0 found 0 entries
New Node for group: 0
Group 1 found 0 entries
New Node for group: 1
raft2017/03/14 09:53:34 INFO: 1 became follower at term 0
raft2017/03/14 09:53:34 INFO: newRaft 1 [peers: , term: 0, commit: 0, applied: 0, lastindex: 0, lastterm: 0]
I think this still needs to be fixed as the latest Go client won’t work with the latest Dgraph binary that is v0.7.3 because of the proto change.
Also, we could display the version but on binaries built from master it would still be v0.7.3 (version remains same until a new version is tagged and released). So it probably won’t help to debug this issue but might be good in general.
Actually, I think we should bring back query/graph and make the goclient (our Goclient isn’t released like the binaries hence would have only the latest version) use that. When we do the next release (hopefully this week), we can revert this change. That’s the best solution I can think of.
@pawan Dgraph loader can retrieve the version of Dgraph, and display it. Also, is there a way to get the latest git commit version, and add that along with the branch name. This way, every Dgraph binary would have a info rich version.