I have this data/nodes :
{name: "Tom" , age: 42 },
{name: "Jerry", age: 12 },
{name: "Tom", age: 35 }
I would like to run a DQL query that returns all unique names: ["Tom", "Jerry"]
I have this data/nodes :
{name: "Tom" , age: 42 },
{name: "Jerry", age: 12 },
{name: "Tom", age: 35 }
I would like to run a DQL query that returns all unique names: ["Tom", "Jerry"]
It looks like groupBy sort of does this, but it is not available in graphQL and only DQL. This basically means you need to do a @custom dql query. The problem is that you can’t use @auth on a custom query, so that only leaves putting a custom DQL within a custom mutation @lambda.
Hopefully this is a new feature request they plan on adding.
I have tried to use groupby
, like this:
people as var(func: has(dgraph.type, Person))
nameCounts as var(func: uid(people) ) @groupby(name) { count(uid)}
(doesn’t work)
The problem is that you can’t assign this groupby
to a variable, which I need to keep processing.
It does work if it is your final result