I can access the Parent value in Slash’s API Explorer queries when querying a task… but I can’t query tasks via a “Parent” query filter. I can’t use API Explorer to “return all tasks whose parent task id = 123”?
Updated the schema… and went to update some mutations and queries and get the endless spinning ball all of a sudden… (Unrelated, Im sure. I assume it’s a DGraph Slash server hiccup…)
Chrome dev tools console: CORS connection error to my GraphQL API endpoint:
“Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘https://myslashendpoint…dgraph.io/query’ from origin ‘https://slash.dgraph.io’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.”
Yes, 1Mb/day can be a lot unless you write a query in a way in a frontend app and call it infinitely for the same data (which I have done and learned the hard way). It can eat up that transfer data fast!
I can’t help you here other than saying I understand and upgraded a db from the free tier to a paid tier for this reason myself.
I think there was a 7 day free trial of the paid plan?? @gja is that still correct?
Thanks @verneleem. Oddly, I’ve solely used the Slash API Explorer and Data Visualizer and a single Ratel query - and for roughly the exact same Task demo data: a dozen tasks and three authors. Seems super anemic.
But whatever. Will purchase and continue to test it out… Looking forward to testing out your parent/child solution! Thanks again.
And related to both performance and parent/child relationships: my whole purpose for considering a graph db like Dgraph is the assumption that it may be a better performance fit for parent/child relationships + other, complex relationships vs a relational db.
Am I right in this assumption and do I need to consider other DGraph db architecture architecture issues here, or this built-via-Slash-GraphQL-schema is goo to go? Thanks.