The uid has not been created, but it appears in the query's result list

type User {
name: string @index(hash) .

I tried to delete some data,

    "uid": "0x4e99"

But all other fields have been deleted, only the uid has not been deleted, it still exists.

  user(func: uid(0x4e99)) {

The result:

"data": {
    "user": [
          "uid": "0x4e99"

Later I found that any uid that conforms to int64 exists.

For example, I randomly query a non-existent uid, but it appears in the result list:

  user(func: uid(0xce93224642121459)) {

The result:

"data": {
    "user": [
          "uid": "0xce93224642121459"

I don’t understand why this is happening. I have many queries that depend on uid, but due to the above problems, my program frequently makes mistakes.

Please help me.

Yes, I can reproduce in my system as well. From what I understand, this is coming from package query.go, line#1973, where we assign src uids to dest uids without checking if they exist.

Thanks for reporting! I have created an issue for this.

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Oh. Hope to fix this problem as soon as possible, it has been bothering me.