Time To Live (TTL) on Predicates (Nodes & Relationships)

Moved from GitHub dgraph/4516

Posted by rahst12:

Experience Report

I am currently ingesting a large continuous streaming data set. The most recent data is the most important data. The oldest - either by policy or by least importance needs to be aged-off. Today, we use Neo4J Community Edition. We perform a query to find nodes/relationships older than a specific date and then delete them.

Note: Feature requests are judged based on user experience and modeled on Go Experience Reports. These reports should focus on the problems: they should not focus on and need not propose solutions.

What you wanted to do

After x number of days, I want to age off data - without having to issue a query/mutation to find the data and remove it.

What you actually did

Today, we use Neo4J Community Edition. We perform a query to find nodes/relationships older than a specific date and then delete them.

Why that wasn’t great, with examples

N/A - the issues are with Neo4J - this is just a clear improvement over the Neo4J product that, while evaluating Dgraph is an obvious plus (especially because Badger has it).

Any external references to support your case

MichelDiz commented :

Adding one more ref about this Time to live for nodes, etc. in Dgraph

lgalatin commented :

Specific edge level is hard, but node and predicate level can be done.

damienburke commented :

Hey, just wanted to see if there is any update on this, as I will need to hand roll some custom ttl support otherwise. Thanks!

Hi! I’m also interested in TTL for Nodes, is it implemented somehow?