I am trying to insert many records from a database into dgraph.
However, the process fails with the following message:
response = txn.mutate(set_obj=json_payload)
File “/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydgraph/txn.py”, line 76, in mutate
return self.do_request(req, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata, credentials=credentials)
File “/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pydgraph/txn.py”, line 91, in do_request
raise errors.TransactionError(‘Transaction has already been committed or discarded’)
pydgraph.errors.TransactionError: Transaction has already been committed or discarded
Here is the function to insert the data:
def create_data(client):
# Create a new transaction.
txn = client.txn()
TXN = DbQuery()
# Create data.
for item in db:
json_payload = {
# 'uid': '_:did',
'Transaction.seqNo': item['seqNo'],
'Transaction.type': resolve_txn_type(item),
'Transaction.time': resolve_txn_time(item),
'Transaction.endorser': None,
'Transaction.author': None,
'DID.did': did,
'DID.verkey': verkey,
'DID.role': role,
'DID.alias': alias,
print('JSON UPDATE IS',json_payload)
# Run mutation.
response = txn.mutate(set_obj=json_payload)
# Commit transaction.
# print('Created Transaction with uid = {}'.format(response.uids['did']))
print('Created Transaction with seqNo = {} and DID {}'.format(item['seqNo'], did))
# except TxnConflictException as ex:
except Exception as e:
print("TX ERROR", e.__class__, "occurred.")
# Clean up. Calling this after txn.commit() is a no-op and hence safe.
# print('discarding tx')
Any ideas or pointers will be appreciated?