I want to use DQL to be able to bulk load RDF triples into DGraph and then query the loaded data by name using both DQL and GraphQL.
I understand that in order to be able to query using GraphQL, I must create a GraphQL Schema and I understand in this scenario, the best practice is to create the Dgraph schema using GraphQL and then modify it using DQL.
So first, I apply the schema using the GraphQL API for Dgraph:
mutation {
input: { set: { schema: "type Person {id: ID! name: String @search} type Film {id: ID! name: String @search}"}})
gqlSchema {
This results in a schema with these predicates:
"predicate": "Film.name",
"type": "string",
"index": true,
"tokenizer": [
"predicate": "Person.name",
"type": "string",
"index": true,
"tokenizer": [
I would like to be able to perform type agnostic queries using DQL, so I use DQL to /alter to the schema:
name: string @index(term) .
type Person {
type Film {
Which adds a new predicate to the schema:
"predicate": "name",
"type": "string",
"index": true,
"tokenizer": [
Now I load my data using DQL:
set {
_:luke <name> "Luke Skywalker" .
_:luke <dgraph.type> "Person" .
_:sr <name> "Revenge of Luke Skywalker" .
_:sr <dgraph.type> "Film" . .
Using DQL to query works well…I can query to get any entity with term “Luke” in the name:
starwars(func: anyofterms(name, "Luke")) {
And I can get only Person entities with term “Luke” in the name:
starwars(func: type(Person)) @filter(anyofterms(name, "Luke")) {
I cannot figure out how to perform these same queries using GraphQL…
I have tried:
query {
queryPerson(filter: {
name: {
anyofterms: "Luke"
}) {
I understand that the triples are created in Dgraph using the “name” predicate and not Person.name. I just don’t understand why Dgraph does it this way.
I am equally confused about why this DQL query does not work:
starwars(func: anyofterms(Person.name, "Luke")) {
Other things I have Tried:
i’ve tried creating the schema using DQL first and then GraphQL but I get the same result.
I’ve tried using DQL to create triples with Person.name predicate (instead of just name) - in this case, GraphQL queries work but the type agnostic DQL query does not work
I’ve tried using GraphQL to addPerson entities - this lets me query using Person.name - but type agnostic name queries do not work.
I fundamentally understand that the triples are stored using the predicates I specify in my mutation…does that mean in order to satisfy my use case i have to create 2 triples for each name? for example:
set {
_:luke <name> "Luke Skywalker" .
_:luke <Person.name> "Luke Skywalker" .
_:luke <dgraph.type> "Person" .
_:sr <name> "Revenge of Luke Skywalker" .
_:sr <Film.name> "Revenge of Luke Skywalker" .
_:sr <dgraph.type> "Film" . .
Dgraph metadata
dgraph version
Dgraph version : v21.03.1
Dgraph codename : rocket-1
Dgraph SHA-256 : a00b73d583a720aa787171e43b4cb4dbbf75b38e522f66c9943ab2f0263007fe
Commit SHA-1 : ea1cb5f35
Commit timestamp : 2021-06-17 20:38:11 +0530
Branch : HEAD
Go version : go1.16.2
jemalloc enabled : true