Create two-way edge between two nodes.
- I was able to create both nodes fine in Ratel, but when query, edge(s) doesn’t who up in the Ratel node properties
- Also, both nodes show up in the Ratel UI but they are not connected, does the Ratel automatically render the edge?
- In my below query code snippet, I’m querying for both nodes, is there a way to simple way?
{ find_conceptId(func: eq(Person.personId, "9110")) { uid Person.personId Person.hcs Person.docInstance Person.hasPersonalDetailChanges } find_person_change(func: eq(PersonalDetail.codeId, "10")) { uid PersonalDetail.codeId PersonalDetail.ethnicityId PersonalDetail.genderId PersonalDetail.maritalStatusId PersonalDetail.raceIds PersonalDetail.timestamp PersonalDetail.person } }
- Below is code upsert code snippet
upsert { query { PersonUid as var (func: eq(Person.personId, "9110")) PersonDetailUid as var (func: eq(PersonDetail.codeId, "10")) } mutation { set{ uid(PersonUid) <Person.personId> "9110" . uid(PersonUid) <Person.hcs> "foo" . uid(PersonUid) <Person.docInstance> "7861" . uid(PersonUid) <Person.hasPersonalDetailChanges> uid(PersonDetailUid) . uid(PersonDetailUid) <PersonalDetail.person> uid(PersonUid) . } } }
- Below are my types
type PersonDetail { codeId: Int! @id timestamp: Int! @search ethnicityId: Int! genderId: Int! maritalStatusId: Int! raceIds: Int! person: Person } type Person { personId: String! @id hcs: String! @search docInstance: String! @search hasPersonalDetailChanges: [PersonalDetail] @hasInverse(field: person) }