Usage of a variable in a conditional Upsert operation

For example I have a upsert operation like this,

             k as var(func: eq(predicate, <string>)){
                 A as price
              changed_value as math(a - 50)
       mutation @if(gt(changed_value, 0)){
                     uid(k) <predicate> changed_value .

When try to use the created variable from the query part for assigning a value to a predicate in the mutation part I get an error

  "name": "t",
  "url": "http://localhost:8080/mutate?commitNow=true",
  "errors": [
      "message": "while lexing uid(k) <predicate> changed_quantity . at line 1 column 25: Invalid input: c at lexText",
      "extensions": {
        "code": "ErrorInvalidRequest"

Should one not use a variable for assigning values to a predicate ?

Dgraph variables are case sensitive.

This probably should be like

@if(gt(val(changed_value), 0))