It’s a matter of demand, the team is focused on more punctual things. Features like Geo is rarely used, so you can even request an enhancement. But it will take a while until the priority of it changes.
Hey good people. Is there any update on this? The current work around is doing a first query, getting the lat/lng in the application and the going back to the database to do the near query with the lat/lng array extracted from the geo field.
This would save a lot of round trips (depends on your dataset of course). Here we are talking about 300k+ points that will need to go through this process.
Just open an issue with a detailed context of how usefult it would be. Paste the link here and anywhere it has relation. Let’s say, you see a comment that fits this feature. So you ask that person to support your issue.
That way we know how useful this is for the community and the team will have a param to determine the priority.