Hey guys,
Picked up a few things from Practical Vim yesterday. I was looking for a way to search within entire Dgraph directory, ignoring vendor
folder, and then going over the results, all within Vim.
" Use ack for vim grep
set grepprg=ack\ --ignore-dir\ vendor\ --nogroup\ --column\ $*
set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m
This allows you to run things like :grep 'UidList'
, which then opens a quick fix list of all results. To make navigation through this easier, Tim Pope has a nice plugin, that you can install. This is my set up via Vundle.
" Navigation for quick fix and other vim lists
Plugin 'tpope/vim-unimpaired'
Now you can jump through the list using ]q
for going one result forward and [q
for one result backward. Also, there’s a whole range of commands starting with :c
that you can use to navigate the list.
This should make finding things and navigating them much easier. Enjoy!