I might be able to help propose a better model/auth rule if you were to actually post your whole schema. There is a lot of undefined types here still.
And can you explain the purpose of needing school and categories in your rule? I can assume, but better would be if you explain it to me like I am 5 what you are trying to do here.
ok, Classes belong to Schools,and a classes have courses and sections, classes belong to a category emmm, every school have many classes, and auth rule have two method:
If the user have full controller of the school, it can do everything in this school, like, add a course, add a classes…
If the user don’t have full controller of the school, now i have to judge does he have access to operate the category of this school.
category likes Primary School, Middle School, University
classes likes class one, grade one. class two, grade one
courses like math, art, physical…
I tested that this shcema loads, but I have not loaded data into the graph to test if the rules work (they should)
interface Base {
# granted_access is used for ACL traversing in @auth rules #
granted_access: [AccessControl]
created_at: DateTime! @search(by: [day])
updated_at: DateTime @search(by: [day])
deleted_at: DateTime @search
created_by: Int @search
updated_by: Int @search
deleted_by: Int @search
type Area {
code: String! @id
name: String!
short_name: String!
city_code: String
lng: String
lat: String
pinyin: String
parent: Area @hasInverse(field:"child")
child: [Area] @hasInverse(field:"parent")
schools:[School] @hasInverse(field:"area")
enum SchoolType {
enum SchoolYYMode {
enum SchoolStatus {
"""对应1 正常"""
"""对应2 删除"""
"""对应3 未完善"""
type School implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
school_name: String! @search
address: String!
phone: String! @search
date: DateTime
admin: String
school_type: SchoolType @search
yy_mode: SchoolYYMode @search
brief: String
status: SchoolStatus @search
version: Int
classes: [Classes]
area:Area! @hasInverse(field:"schools")
# Using the Base.granted_access edge instead of School.administrator for ACL. #
#administrator:[UserAuthSchoolClasses] @hasInverse(field:"school")
has_categories: [Category] @hasInverse(field: "in_school")
type Subject implements Base {
id: ID!
mid: Int
subject_name: String!
color: String!
teachers: [Teacher]
# FIXME: This type is undefined
# user_sort:[SortSubjectUser] @hasInverse(field:"subject")
type Academy implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
academy_name:String! @search
child_academy: [Academy] @hasInverse(field: "parent_academy")
parent_academy: Academy @hasInverse(field: "child_academy")
teachers: [Teacher] @hasInverse(field: "academy")
type RecruitingType implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
name: String! @search
color: String! @search
type ClassType implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
name: String! @search
short_name: String! @search
type CourseType implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
name: String! @search
color: String! @search
type ExamType implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
name: String! @search
color: String! @search
type Category implements Base {
id: ID!
mid: Int
name: String! @search
color: String! @search
in_school: School
type Classes implements Base @auth(
add: {
or: [
# grant access to add if the class is for a school which has granted access to the user that is an admin
{ rule: "query ($mid: String!) { queryClasses { school { granted_access { user(filter: { mid: { eq: $mid } role: { eq: admin } }) { id } } } } }" },
# grant access to add if the class is for a school which has granted full access to the user
{ rule: "query ($mid: String!) { queryClasses { school { granted_access(filter: { level: { eq: FULL_CONTROL } }) { user(filter: { mid: { eq: $mid } }) { id } } } } }" },
# grant access to add if the class is in an category that has granted full access to the user and the user is granted any kind of access to the linked school
{ rule: "query ($mid: String!) { queryClasses { category { granted_access(filter: { level: { eq: FULL_CONTROL } }) { user(filter: { mid: { eq: $mid } }) { id } } } school { granted_access { user(filter: { mid: { eq: $mid } }) { id } } } } }" },
# (optional) grant access to a system script to load data
{ rule: "{$USER: { eq: \"SYSTEM\" }}" }
) {
id: ID!
name: String! @search
year: Int! @search
class_type: ClassType!
school: School! @hasInverse(field: "classes")
recruiting_type: RecruitingType!
is_full_day: Boolean! @search
start_date: DateTime! @search
end_date: DateTime! @search
course_type: CourseType!
exam_type: ExamType!
category: Category!
lend_teacher: Boolean!
courses: [Course] @hasInverse(field: "classes")
course_arrange: String
type Course implements Base {
id: ID!
name: String! @search
subject: Subject!
school: School!
classes: Classes! @hasInverse(field: "courses")
sections: [CourseSection] @hasInverse(field: "course")
remark: String
finish: Boolean! @search
start_date: DateTime! @search
end_date: DateTime! @search
introduce: String
virtual: Boolean!
lend_teacher: Boolean!
share: Boolean!
merge: Boolean!
people_num: Int
type CourseSection implements Base {
id: ID!
name: String! @search
course: Course! @hasInverse(field: "sections")
identity: String!
date: DateTime! @search
start_time: DateTime! @search
end_time: DateTime! @search
teacher: [TeacherCourseInfo]
time_duration: Float
is_full_day: Boolean!
type TeacherWorkingMechanism implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
name: String! @search
parent: TeacherWorkingMechanism @hasInverse(field: "child")
child: [TeacherWorkingMechanism] @hasInverse(field: "parent")
teachers: [Teacher] @hasInverse(field: "working_mechanism")
type TeacherPosition implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
name: String! @search
teacher:[Teacher] @hasInverse(field: "position")
type TeacherBankAccount implements Base{
id: ID!
mid: Int
bank_name: String! @search
account: String! @search
owner:[Teacher] @hasInverse(field: "bank_account")
type National {
id: ID!
name: String! @search
enum Sex {
type Teacher implements Base{
regular_employee: Boolean
probation: Boolean
# """教师分组"""
# teacher_group:TeacherGroup
working_mechanism: TeacherWorkingMechanism @hasInverse(field: "teachers")
position: TeacherPosition @hasInverse(field: "teacher")
biography: String
sex: Sex
national: National
status: Boolean
id_card: String @search
bank_account: [TeacherBankAccount] @hasInverse(field: "owner")
class_hours: Float
wages: Float
quit_at: DateTime
entry_at: DateTime
enum TeacherIdentity {
type TeacherCourseInfo implements Base {
course_section: CourseSection
teacher: Teacher
identity: TeacherIdentity
is_course: Boolean
class_pay: Float
enum UserAuthRole {
# I am assuming this would be the type I refer to as "User" unique to an individual logon #
type UserAuth {
# NOTE: you can have both the @id and an ID field together #
id: ID!
mid: String! @id
# Don't need specific access to the schools here #
#schools:[UserAuthSchoolClasses] @hasInverse(field:"user")
role: UserAuthRole! @search
# Reverse traversing of which resources the user has been granted access #
has_access: [AccessControl]
# Don't even need this anymore #
#type UserAuthSchoolClasses {
# id: ID!
# school:School! @hasInverse(field:"administrator")
# school_full_controller:Boolean! @search
# categories:[Category]
# user: UserAuth! @hasInverse(field:"schools")
enum ControlLevel {
# Add nodes here for new user/access combinations #
type AccessControl @auth(
# Make this inaccessible to query outside of rules #
# NOTE: If you want to test query, you will need #
# to comment this rule out temporarily #
query: { rule: "{$DENIED: { eq: \"DENIED\" }}" }
# FIXME: write a "add" rule or else anyone can create their own AccessControl granting themselves or anyone else access
# FIXME: write a "delete" rule or else anyone can delete anyone else's access
# FIXME: write a "update" rules or else anyone can steal anyone else's access
) {
id: ID!
# Link to the interface of the implementing node which the user is granted to access #
controls: [Base] @hasInverse(field: "granted_access")
user: UserAuth! @hasInverse(field: "has_access")
# What type of control to grant, useful for different CRUD rules #
level: ControlLevel @search
# Dgraph.Authorization {"VerificationKey":"xtjpk","Header":"x-d-token","Namespace":"xtjpk","Algo":"HS256","Audience":["user"]}
Look at the new type AccessControl which is linked to through Base which is implemented by Classes (should be Class probably) so the rule can then use those nodes for traveral.
Thank u.
I’ll fix my schema today, and try to understand the flow. By the way, I cloned dgraph in github and try to find auth module, but I think I can read this when I understand graphql fully.