Current and Future State of Windows Support

Actually it is exactly that use-case.

Same use-case as with @marcown here. We’re using a dgraph instance integrated into an app that the user can download. That user will be in 90% of cases a windows user. And in 80% of cases this user will have not the experience to configurate WSL or docker or whatever “workaround”.

Let me try to explain our use-case very briefly:

  1. The user can do his work offline (which is often a requirement for software that is being used in production facilities due to security/connection issues)
  2. His work is saved in a local running dgraph instance
  3. As soon as he has internet his instance is synchronized with our dgraph instance and he can use our cloud services on his data

As @verneleem pointed out there was no reason to belief that windows is not equal to linux or macOS. As a startup with small budget, we’ve spent the last 10 month to build our application, relying on the fact that windows is fully supported and I’m literally shocked that this might not be the case.

I urge you to please re-communicate this with the team and reconsider this decision (not sure if it was even decided yet) to support windows again.

Like it or not (I don’t like it obviously), Windows is so wide-spread in coorporate intranets so that building on-premise solutions will require dgraph to support windows.