Best way to count unique values?

Given a simple schema:

type Entity {
    entity.type: string string

<>: string @index(hash) .
<entity.type>: string @index(hash) .

What would be the best way to count the number of unique <entity.type> values?
There are only 3 types (organisation, person and product) but I’d like to know if there is a way to get that number by way of a query.

  type1(func: eq(entity.type, "myType1")){
   total: count(uid) 
  type2(func: eq(entity.type, "myType2")){
   total: count(uid) 
  type3(func: eq(entity.type, "myType3")){
   total: count(uid) 

Thanks, but that’s not quite the count I’m looking for. There are ~250k Entity nodes, each containing an entity.value and an entity.type. I’m not so much interested in figuring out how many Nodes there are of a specific type, but how many unique entity.type string values there are. Suppose we have 5 Entity nodes with the following values:

    uid = 0x?
    entity.type = "person"
    entity.value = "Bob"

    uid = 0x?
    entity.type = "person"
    entity.value = "Alice"

    uid = 0x?
    entity.type = "organisation"
    entity.value = "Google"

    uid = 0x?
    entity.type = "product"
    entity.value = "Dgraph"

    uid = 0x?
    entity.type = "organisation"
    entity.value = "Apache"

There are only 3 unique values for entity.type: “person”, “organisation” and “product”. Is there any way of having these three values returned from a query?

Maybe this approach works for you, let me know if don’t.

you have “unique” count using @groupby(name)

      var(func: anyofterms(name, "Alexei Jack Jose Zoe Ivy")) @groupby(works_for) {
       a as count(uid)
      q(func: uid(a), orderdesc: val(a)) {
        total_workers : val(a)
        workHere: ~works_for @groupby(name){

The Result

This query is not perfect as it exploits an unimplemented feature for this in GroupBy. However, you can use this or expect the GroupBy function to be improved.

      "data": {
        "q": [
            "name": "CompanyABC",
            "total_workers": 6,
            "workHere": [
                "@groupby": [
                    "name": "Ivy",
                    "count": 2
                    "name": "Jack",
                    "count": 2
                    "name": "Zoe",
                    "count": 2
            "name": "The other company",
            "total_workers": 4,
            "workHere": [
                "@groupby": [
                    "name": "Alexei",
                    "count": 2
                    "name": "Jose",
                    "count": 2

Using this dataset as reference: A Tour of Dgraph

I’ve edited it and it looks like this:

      set {
        _:company1 <name> "CompanyABC" .
        _:company1 <dgraph.type> "Company" .
        _:company2 <name> "The other company" .
        _:company2 <dgraph.type> "Company" .
        _:company1 <industry> "Machinery" .
        _:company2 <industry> "High Tech" .
        _:jack <works_for> _:company1 .
        _:jack <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:ivy <works_for> _:company1 .
        _:ivy <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:zoe <works_for> _:company1 .
        _:zoe <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:jack <name> "Jack" .
        _:ivy <name> "Ivy" .
        _:zoe <name> "Zoe" .
        _:jose <name> "Jose" .
        _:alexei <name> "Alexei" .
        _:jack2 <name> "Jack" .
     		_:jack2 <works_for> _:company1 .
        _:jack2 <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:ivy2 <name> "Ivy" .
     		_:ivy2 <works_for> _:company1 .
        _:ivy2 <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:zoe2 <name> "Zoe" .
     		_:zoe2 <works_for> _:company1 .
        _:zoe2 <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:jose2 <name> "Jose" .
     		_:jose2 <works_for> _:company2 .
        _:jose2 <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:alexei2 <name> "Alexei" .
     		_:alexei2 <works_for> _:company2 .
        _:alexei2 <dgraph.type> "Person" .
    		#duplicated end
        _:jose <works_for> _:company2 .
        _:jose <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:alexei <works_for> _:company2 .
        _:alexei <dgraph.type> "Person" .
        _:ivy <boss_of> _:jack .
        _:alexei <boss_of> _:jose .

can you please guide what solution you have applied for this ?