What version of Go are you using (go version
What operating system are you using?
Android 11
What version of Badger are you using?
Does this issue reproduce with the latest master?
What Badger options were set?
options := badger.DefaultOptions(filename)
options.InMemory = false
What did you do?
Ran badger on android 11 with default configuration.
Error message:
2022-08-15 04:28:43.771 29205-29256/com.peernet.mobile E/GoLog: badger 2022/08/15 03:28:43 ERROR: Received err: Open existing file: "/storage/emulated/0/Documents/data/blockchain_main//000001.vlog" error: while opening file: /storage/emulated/0/Documents/data/blockchain_main//000001.vlog error: cannot allocate memory
2022-08-15 04:28:43.771 29205-29256/com.peernet.mobile E/GoLog: while mmapping /storage/emulated/0/Documents/data/blockchain_main//000001.vlog with size: 2147483646
(Michel Diz)
August 15, 2022, 3:29pm
Android is a platform that was never thought to be supported.
The error shows badger is trying open a 2GB file in /storage/emulated/… Have you tried to set the file location to a place in which you may be able to allocate that amount of space?
Is there anyway to reduce the file size when created in the config ?
Thanks !
Check out this discussion which details options to control file size:
opened 06:36PM - 12 Apr 20 UTC
closed 11:55AM - 14 Apr 20 UTC
### What version of Go are you using (`go version`)?
$ go version
go … version go1.14.2 darwin/amd64
### What version of Badger are you using?
`github.com/dgraph-io/badger/v2 v2.0.1-rc1.0.20200409094109-809725940698`
### Does this issue reproduce with the latest master?
### What are the hardware specifications of the machine (RAM, OS, Disk)?
RAM 8gb, latest Catalina, 512gb
### What did you do?
I created a GH repo to reproduce the _problem_:
1. `git clone https://github.com/jsign/go-badger2-size.git`
2. `go run main.go`
3. Wait for output.
The program tries different configurations to see how they affect the final SST and VLOG total sizes.
Some points about the program:
- Creates a Badger DB from scratch on a temp clean folder.
- Puts 1 million values. Each key 16 bytes, each value 1024 bytes. Both random.
- After the insertion, *all* keys are removed in the same order.
- It runs as GC with `0.01` rate until it returns `ErrNoRewrite`.
- Closes the DB.
- Opens the DB and closes it again. (Just to simulate if other processes might cleanup things).
- Finally, counts numbers of SST and VLOG files, with their sizes.
- Prints that info.
The above flow runs for different scenarios described as `opts` used to open a DB.
There're four scenarios that run in parallel. Running them concurrently is OK since I'm not testing for performance, only wanting to inspect files. Might take <5min to run.
### What did you expect to see?
The process creates a million keys and then deletes *all* of them. I'd expect some config might achieve the total size to be ~negligible.
### What did you see instead?
The output of the program (stripping badger logs):
main.Metrics{NumSST:1, SizeSSTs:0, NumVLOG:4, SizeVLOGs:1132702}
main.Metrics{NumSST:1, SizeSSTs:36301, NumVLOG:4, SizeVLOGs:1132702}
Default config:
main.Metrics{NumSST:1, SizeSSTs:36301, NumVLOG:4, SizeVLOGs:1132702}
main.Metrics{NumSST:1, SizeSSTs:0, NumVLOG:3, SizeVLOGs:599607}
Above sizes are in KB.
In the default config, the total size is greater than 1gb.
On an _agressive_ setup is ~600mb.
To be clear, the DB has *no stored data* but is allocating 600mb in the _best scenario_.
I'm looking for a configuration that does this without stopping the DB. Is there any possible configuration that can make the DB have ~negligible size if it isn't storing any keys?