I imported 21millon.rdf to my local dgraph and noted that test requests from docs working well like on https://play.dgraph.io/ but in gui on local doesn’t work expand on edges.
I imported 21millon.rdf to my local dgraph and noted that test requests from docs working well like on https://play.dgraph.io/ but in gui on local doesn’t work expand on edges.
Where did you download it from?
From that place: GitHub - dgraph-io/benchmarks: Run benchmarks with RDF data
Okay, did you used the /release version of the dataset?
The schema release.schema
has the type schema needed in cases like yours. Expand funcs works only with the Type System defined.
This Graph isn’t the same graph the would return from the query showed in left panel. This can’t be possible. The query for that is another. You may used expand(all) or something.
I’ve run your query in my side.
With expand all:
q(func: eq(name@en, "Blade Runner")){
After applying proper scheme release.schema it works well, thanks!