Following the tutorial from:
I start up Docker in Windows and create a schema.graphql file and then try to use curl to import the schema into Dgraph and I get the following error:
{“errors”:[{“message”:“couldn’t rewrite mutation update"Error”}}]}GQLSchema because input:1: Unexpected \u003cInvalid\u00>3e\n",“extensions”:{“code”:“Error”}}]}
I even went to the Twitch video posted on youtube with Michael Compton and Kurt Kemple where they built the ToDo app and followed it exactly and I get the error but they don’t.
Example schema.graphql file:
type User {
username: String! @id
todos: [Todo] @hasInverse(field: user)
type Todo {
id: ID!
description: String!
completed: Boolean
user: User!
I do not understand what the error is and what is Unexpected.
I went into the Dgraph UI and tried to bulk edit the schema directly using the above and I get the error:
Could not alter schema: line 2 column 20: Expected new line after field declaration. Got @
It seems that the @ directives are not being understood correctly. Can someone help me understand what I am missing here.