Report a GraphQL Bug
Not really a bug, just a weird limitation that needs resolved
Can’t Update Node to Create Edge unless auth rules allow updating both nodes.
What edition and version of Dgraph are you using?
- SlashGraphQL
- Dgraph (community edition/Dgraph Cloud)
If you are using the community edition or enterprise edition of Dgraph, please list the version:
Dgraph Version
Have you tried reproducing the issue with the latest release?
No, but expect same results.
Steps to reproduce the issue (paste the query/schema if possible)
type User @auth(
# user `me` can query own user but not update/add/delete
) {
username: String! @id
isActive: boolean
plan: String
isContact: Contact! @hasInverse(field: "isUser")
starredContacts: [Contact] @hasInverse(field: "starredBy")
type Contact @auth(
# user `me` has full access to contacts to query/add/update/delete
) {
id: ID
name: String!
isUser: User
starredBy: [User]
mutation starContact {
updateContact(input: {
filter: { id: ["0x7"] }
set: { starredBy: [{ username: "me" }] }
}) {
contact {
starredBy(filter: { username: { eq: "me" } }) { username }
Expected behaviour and actual result.
Expected - starredBy to be updated on the Contact
data: {
updateContact: {
numUids: 1
contact: [
id: "0x7",
starredBy: [
username: "me"
Results - starredBy not updated on the Contact
data: {
updateContact: {
numUids: 1 # odd returning 1 here
contact: [
id: "0x7",
starredBy: [] # but nothing here
Why that wasn’t great, with examples
I want to control access not allowing a user to update their own user, and would also like to prevent a user from updating the User <User.isContact> Contact
edge, but I need to allow a user to update the Contact <Contact.starredBy> User
to their own user, but not anybody else.
I think I could work around this by removing the inverse relationship on the User → starredContacts edge, but then I have no way of getting all of the contacts a user has starred since I have no other way to filter root nodes by an edge other than cascade which is not very efficient.
Another use similar use case would be creating a friendRequest between two contacts where a user has permission to update only one contact but the inverse relationship on the other contact for requested friendships should also be updated.