I have the following types and schema to have a 1-to-1 association between an AccessConfig
node and a Permissions
type AccessConfig {
delegate: bool
delegateTo: uid
finDelegatedTo: uid
permissions: Persmissions
type Persmissions {
publicRead: bool
publicWrite: bool
permissions: uid .
I can create the AccessConfig
node and set the Permissions
_:accessConfig <permissions> <0x...> .
but when I try to update the Permissions
reference to another Permissions
node with the triad
<0x(access config uid)> <permissions> <0x(new permissions node uid)> .
I get the following error:
"2 UNKNOWN: cannot add value with uid 0x(new permissions node uid) to predicate permissions because one of the existing values does not match this uid, either delete the existing values first or modify the schema to 'permissions: [uid]'"
I don’t understand the error. Updating the existing value with the new one without having an array if [uid] is precisely what I want.
You can recreate the error installing and running npm test
of this branch