Cloning Slash to a paid AWS Backend

Attempted to Clone a repo from to a new backend
Cloning from slash to a paid version
I reused an existing domain name that i just deleted

  • here is he error message


[{“message”:“Failed to verify deployment:{“query”:“query GetBackupLocation($clusterAuth: String!, $deploymentID: ID!, $targetDeploymentID: ID!) {\n\t\tgetBackupLocation(input: {clusterAuth: $clusterAuth, deploymentID: $deploymentID, targetDeploymentID: $targetDeploymentID})\n\t}”,“variables”:{“clusterAuth”:”***********",“deploymentID”:“0x21064”,“targetDeploymentID”:“0x7684”}}",“locations”:[{“line”:2,“column”:5}],“path”:[“restore”]}]

Report a Dgraph Bug

version: v20.11.2-rc1-16-g4d041a3a?

Dgraph Version
$ dgraph version

Have you tried reproducing the issue with the latest release?

Using the web console from

What is the hardware spec (RAM, OS)?

Steps to reproduce the issue (command/config used to run Dgraph).

  1. connect to our single existing instance via
  2. goto settings
  3. tap clone
  4. Selected a 4C instance HA
  5. Set domain name “xxxxx”
  6. Tap clone
  7. New backend created
  8. In the process of cloning data received error.

See for our account to see original domain (with data) as well as newly added domain (without data)

Expected behaviour and actual result.

Is this the core of the issue? Can you clone a backend using a new domain name?

Started up a new clone using a new domain name “dev”
Started Clone:

  • Your Backend is taking longer than usual. Please contact us if the issue persists.
  • then got this message (same error)


[{“message”:“Failed to verify deployment:{“query”:“query GetBackupLocation($clusterAuth: String!, $deploymentID: ID!, $targetDeploymentID: ID!) {\n\t\tgetBackupLocation(input: {clusterAuth: $clusterAuth, deploymentID: $deploymentID, targetDeploymentID: $targetDeploymentID})\n\t}”,“variables”:{“clusterAuth”:”",“deploymentID”:“0x210ca”,“targetDeploymentID”:“0x7684”}}",“locations”:[{“line”:2,“column”:5}],“path”:[“restore”]}]

This is a blocker