../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto@v0.0.4-0.20201007164332-9739cfa2564b/z/buffer.go:73:35: constant 274877906944 overflows int
../../go/pkg/mod/github.com/dgraph-io/badger/v2@v2.0.1-rc1.0.20201007220711-3b5f17cee813/y/bloom.go:122:35: constant 3332679571 overflows int
First i fixed with math.MaxInt32 (Uint32 also overflowed).
We use the constant 256<<30 to initialize the buffer size in ristretto.
In Go, the size of int defaults to the word size of a machine. So on a 32 bit ARM machine, int would be 32 bits. It’s clear that 256 <<30 overflows that.
The fix should be architecture specific files containing architecture specific constants. So, this is a bug. I’m filing as a bug.