We are planning to use Go as programming lang and Badger as data store for Profile Data . It would be helpful to get some pointers to Replications and partitioning of data in Badger based on id .
We are planning to use Go as programming lang and Badger as data store for Profile Data . It would be helpful to get some pointers to Replications and partitioning of data in Badger based on id .
Badger is an embedded DB. It does NOT do replication or partitioning of data. That’s something you’d have to do at your end.
Hi Manish,
Thanks a lot for replying .
Understood . I was wondering to get some ideas or pointers how dgraph is using synchronous replication and key Distribution .
Sorry for dumb questions .
There’s slightly outdated information here:
Hi Manish,
Thanks for response .
Can you please help with following points in badgerdb source code . (if code pointers that will be great)
Thanks and Regards
Badger has a value log which also acts as a WAL, here is the code that writes to that badger/value.go at master · dgraph-io/badger · GitHub. This is also the code which writes values.
The code for writing the keys is at badger/db.go at master · dgraph-io/badger · GitHub
Hi, is there any document about how Dgraph achieves replication over embedded badger db? The document shared above looks a bit old.
We use raft for replicating the data across the node.
You can have a look this etcd package for raft. etcd/raft at master · etcd-io/etcd · GitHub