We upgraded to Dgraph v1.1, and after importing our exported data, the data and schema are nowhere to be found.
Here was our process:
We exported our data; shut down and removed all zero, alpha and ratel nodes; cleared the existing data directories, and started the zero nodes.
We ran gunzip on the schema file and then ran the bulk import on the zero leader nodes, which completed successfully (as far as we can tell). We then started the Alpha and Ratel nodes. When we connect to Dgraph from Ratel, there is no schema. The Explorer shows no data. Our queries that previously returned data are not returning any data. What could be the issue?
Here is the output from the bulk import that indicates it was successful:
root@dec09:/dgraph# dgraph bulk -f /dgraph/export/dgraph.r1233498.u1021.2005/g01.rdf.gz -s /dgraph/export/dgraph.r1233498.u1021.2005/g01.schema --map_shards=2 --reduce_shards=1 --http localhost:8002 --zero=localhost:5082
[Decoder]: Using assembly version of decoder
I1021 21:47:36.031380 78 init.go:98]Dgraph version : v1.1.0
Dgraph SHA-256 : 7d4294a80f74692695467e2cf17f74648c18087ed7057d798f40e1d3a31d2095
Commit SHA-1 : ef7cdb28
Commit timestamp : 2019-09-04 00:12:51 -0700
Branch : HEAD
Go version : go1.12.7For Dgraph official documentation, visit https://docs.dgraph.io.
For discussions about Dgraph , visit http://discuss.dgraph.io.
To say hi to the community , visit https://dgraph.slack.com.Licensed variously under the Apache Public License 2.0 and Dgraph Community License.
Copyright 2015-2018 Dgraph Labs, Inc.{
“DataFiles”: “/dgraph/export/dgraph.r1233498.u1021.2005/g01.rdf.gz”,
“DataFormat”: “”,
“SchemaFile”: “/dgraph/export/dgraph.r1233498.u1021.2005/g01.schema”,
“OutDir”: “./out”,
“ReplaceOutDir”: false,
“TmpDir”: “tmp”,
“NumGoroutines”: 2,
“MapBufSize”: 67108864,
“SkipMapPhase”: false,
“CleanupTmp”: true,
“NumReducers”: 1,
“Version”: false,
“StoreXids”: false,
“ZeroAddr”: “localhost:5082”,
“HttpAddr”: “localhost:8002”,
“IgnoreErrors”: false,
“CustomTokenizers”: “”,
“NewUids”: false,
“MapShards”: 2,
“ReduceShards”: 1
Connecting to zero at localhost:5082
Processing file (1 out of 1): /dgraph/export/dgraph.r1233498.u1021.2005/g01.rdf.gz
[21:47:37Z] MAP 01s nquad_count:216.0k err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:214.6k/sec edge_count:216.0k edge_speed:214.6k/sec
[21:47:38Z] MAP 02s nquad_count:453.3k err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:225.9k/sec edge_count:453.3k edge_speed:225.9k/sec
[21:47:39Z] MAP 03s nquad_count:615.0k err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:204.5k/sec edge_count:691.4k edge_speed:229.9k/sec
[21:47:40Z] MAP 04s nquad_count:785.9k err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:196.1k/sec edge_count:1.033M edge_speed:257.9k/sec
[21:47:41Z] MAP 05s nquad_count:1.035M err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:205.7k/sec edge_count:1.295M edge_speed:257.3k/sec
[21:47:42Z] MAP 06s nquad_count:1.223M err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:202.7k/sec edge_count:1.656M edge_speed:274.5k/sec
[21:47:43Z] MAP 07s nquad_count:1.426M err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:202.7k/sec edge_count:1.935M edge_speed:275.1k/sec
[21:47:44Z] MAP 08s nquad_count:1.605M err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:199.8k/sec edge_count:2.250M edge_speed:280.0k/sec
[21:47:45Z] MAP 09s nquad_count:1.634M err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:180.9k/sec edge_count:2.308M edge_speed:255.5k/sec
GC: 20. InUse: 927 MB. Idle: 51 MB
[21:47:46Z] MAP 10s nquad_count:1.634M err_count:0.000 nquad_speed:162.9k/sec edge_count:2.308M edge_speed:230.0k/sec
Shard tmp/shards/000 -> Reduce tmp/shards/shard_0/000
Shard tmp/shards/001 -> Reduce tmp/shards/shard_0/001
[21:47:47Z] REDUCE 11s 22.41% edge_count:517.3k edge_speed:517.3k/sec plist_count:517.3k plist_speed:517.3k/sec
Schema for pred options specifies that this is not a list but more than one UID has been found. Forcing the schema to be a list to avoid any data loss. Please fix the data to your specifications once Dgraph is up.
Schema for pred products specifies that this is not a list but more than one UID has been found. Forcing the schema to be a list to avoid any data loss. Please fix the data to your specifications once Dgraph is up.
[21:47:48Z] REDUCE 12s 79.48% edge_count:1.834M edge_speed:1.831M/sec plist_count:1.331M plist_speed:1.329M/sec
[21:47:48Z] REDUCE 12s 100.00% edge_count:2.308M edge_speed:1.251M/sec plist_count:1.804M plist_speed:978.3k/sec
Total: 12s
What could be causing this?