Dgraph v1.0.10-rc1 release candidate

Hey all,

Please try out our latest release candidate v1.0.10-rc1.

Link to binaries: Linux, Darwin, Windows.

Also published on Docker tagged as v1.0.10-rc1.

Note: This is not the official release. You won’t be able to get these binaries using the get.dgraph.io quick install script.

Release notes:

  • Fixes related to membership quorum stability and memory usage.
  • Breaking change: Dgraph Server is now called Dgraph Alpha.
    • The command dgraph server has been renamed to dgraph alpha.
    • The prometheus metric dgraph_server_health_status is now called dgraph_alpha_health_status.
  • The glog library is now used for Dgraph Zero and Dgraph Alpha logging output.
    • By default, logs are written to stderr and to log files in /tmp. To only log to stderr and not to files, pass the flag --logtostderr. To specify the log output directory, use the --log_dir flag.
  • Alter operations can be protected by requiring an auth token from clients. See the documentation for more info.




Are there more changes besides the server rename that we can test?, I read in the forum that some improvements in the HAS functions were in process.

Not really, just the latest changes and what is in release notes. The “Has” function improvement still to be pushed to test soon. And There is a lot of work yet to be done. Like native Backup and so on.

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I got several
I1024 09:48:16.310122 1 predicate_move.go:238] Proposed 3721929 keys. Error: Server unavailable. Please retry later
during alpha instance balancing even thought that server is still running.

Also after I alter predicate, I cannot find anything in this predicate.
And this simple query takes 10s

  e(func: has(text.value), first: 10) {

Setup is 2x AWS EC2 m5d.xlarge

Custom plug-in (tokenizer) is also not working (until now it works).

text.value: string @index(term,trigram,nfd) .

Return in ratel something like:
context deadline exceeded

And in alpha logs I can read:

I1024 10:15:12.343296       1 http.go:399] Got alter request via HTTP from
I1024 10:15:12.343322       1 server.go:271] Received ALTER op: schema:"text.value: string @index(term,trigram,nfd) ." 
I1024 10:15:12.344111       1 server.go:324] Got schema: [predicate:"text.value" value_type:STRING directive:INDEX tokenizer:"term" tokenizer:"trigram" tokenizer:"nfd" ]
I1024 10:15:16.345315       1 mutation.go:164] Done schema update predicate:"text.value" value_type:STRING directive:INDEX tokenizer:"term" tokenizer:"trigram" tokenizer:"nfd" 
I1024 10:15:16.345420       1 mutation.go:180] Done schema update predicate:"text.value" value_type:STRING directive:INDEX tokenizer:"term" tokenizer:"trigram" tokenizer:"nfd" 
I1024 10:15:16.345436       1 server.go:328] ALTER op: schema:"text.value: string @index(term,trigram,nfd) ."  done

I used bulk load to import data into dgraph.
I cannot find any data from bulk load, but I can find new one inserted with transaction (in text.value predicate) and also tokenizer is working.