Anyone out there been able to run docker base (dgraph/dgraph:latest) behind a reverse proxy - I can get access to ratel but have not yet been able to get any access to alpha or zero instances.
What I’m looking for is some idea of what the basic concept and thus configuration is required by the dgraph servers (ratel, zero, alpha) to make it work - I can easily point the docker container at my host IP (–p hostip:ext-port:int-port) and all is good but this is a multi-domain host and I’d like access to dgraph via it’s own subdomain - e.g.
I’m using Apache reverse proxy (mod_proxy) with VirtualHost configurations.
Thanks for the quick response - I did look at that and didn’t get much from it but will look a bit deeper!
I have also looked at the section regarding port usage at Ports used by different nodes so I’m puzzled as to why it didn’t work behind the proxy.
Basically I want to frontend dgraph (ratel, zero, alpha) with HTTPS subdomains e.g., and But perhaps the ratel UI (web UI) is trying to access a URL that it can’t find!?
So I’ve reverted most of the config to this which is just for ratel which works but I had similar for alpha and zero but the UI was flagging errors with the connection - I’ll have to set it up like it was again then I can give you better feedback:
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/cert.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/privkey.pem
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/chain.pem
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
#RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https" # this makes no difference if here or not
ProxyPass / http://ratel:8000/ nocanon
ProxyPassReverse / http://ratel:8000/
LogLevel notice
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/ combined
I realise this is slightly off topic with dgraph specific issues so I’d be happy with just a few pointers if you can see any glaring issues! I have a number of other services which I host like this!
We have used K8S ingress controllers to automatically configure reverse proxy based on ingress resource settings with a variety of solutions: ingress-nginx (GKE, EKS), ALB (EKS), GLBC (GKE), Traefik, Ambassador (Envoy).
I have used nginx and haproxy in the past, but not with Dgraph outside of K8S. I could try mod_proxy out later.
Where do you place the reverse-proxy?
running on a docker container? then route back to internal ports within docker’s network?
running on the host, and would then route to ports exposed to localhost?
The two main ports you’ll want would be:
8080 alpha’s http/s port
8000 ratels ui port - ratel can run anywhere, but needs access to an alpha endpoint that connects to internal 8080)
My approach would be to try it out non-encrypted first, then add the TLS after, to debug one layer at a time.
The TLS Configuration docs mentioned by @Naman is used for encrypting at the alpha service so that alpha-2-alpha internal traffic is encrypted as well. Given the config code, it looks like the preferred route is to terminate the encryption at the endpoint (reverse proxy).
No it’s straight up Docker for now - K8S would ultimately be how we go moving forward - we in the evaluation phase. Also I run an apache server native on an Ubuntu 18.04 - have several other services in docker containers that I reverse proxy as I have tried with dgraph.
One thing I did try was put each of the 3 services on separate subdomains as I explained above. Would they need to all be on the same subdomain but with different ports or is it just the endpoint that is required?
I think the confusing thing is which ports can communicate internal to the docker container and which ports need to be public facing in this specific configuration.
I’ve just configured the docker container to run via an internal VPN for now - to evaluate internally. I will come back to this issue and see if I can resolve it. I will post the results here if I win - I’ll report back either way! I will be looking into this further tomorrow!
Thanks for the information. When you mean subdomains, do you mean and For internal, this shouldn’t matter, as long as they can find each other and route there, e.g. alpha is able to find zero. For external, if it is HTTP, this shouldn’t matter. Ratel especially is wholly independent, only needs an alpha endpoint. For HTTPS, it depends on the type of certificate.
For these endpoints, are they exposed on a private network or on the public Internet? For security reasons best practices are to keep database ports private (so internal LB), and if opened for on the public internet for convenience, use a white list to restrict the IPs. Mostly for Ratel, you would only hit 8000 and 8080. The Zero service would be used for administrative chores, so normally this wouldn’t need to be exposed through an endpoint.
I have this working now - I suspect it was purely the whitelisting of the HOST_IP_ADDR for the alpha service that was the issue - I was assuming that would be localhost but it seems the oproxy reports the actual HOST IP address as the requesting IP - makes sense really!
For anyone else who may want to run dgraph behind an apache2 mod_proxy here is what worked for me on Ubuntu server 18.04.
.env file in my docker-compose project directory
docker-compose.yml in my docker-compose project directory
Please note that this is just for our evaluation phase - ordinarily we would be access the dgraph services within our virtual network from server side API’s.
That’s great @clintwood. As this solution worked for you, we are very grateful that you shared it too.
I would like you to mark your answer as solution so as to make this more beneficial for community.
Thanks Clinton for this solution.
Guys I had ground away for hours trying to get a Caddy reverse proxy working with Ratel and Alpha before I found this. I was a gnat’s whisker away from ditching my trial and going to Neo4J or something else.
It’s great that you have the sample Docker Compose and containers, but it’s common these days to host in the cloud and have a reverse proxy Caddy/Traefik/Nginx/Load balancer in front, some modelling of such scenarios would help - how many others have given up and bounced.
It’s going now though so am good to go!