Example of using go client to connect to Dgraph

Took me some time to figure out. Have combined codes from multiple sources. Can be used by beginners to learn client connection in go:

package main

import (
grpc package - google.golang.org/grpc - Go Packages

type School struct {
Name string json:"name,omitempty"
DType string json:"dgraph.type,omitempty"

type loc struct {
Type string json:"type,omitempty"
Coords float64 json:"coordinates,omitempty"

// If omitempty is not set, then edges with empty values (0 for int/float, “” for string, false
// for bool) would be created for values not specified explicitly.

type Person struct {
Uid string json:"uid,omitempty"
Name string json:"name,omitempty"
Age int json:"age,omitempty"
Dob *time.Time json:"dob,omitempty"
Married bool json:"married,omitempty"
Raw byte json:"raw_bytes,omitempty"
Friends Person json:"friend,omitempty"
Location loc json:"loc,omitempty"
School School json:"school,omitempty"
DType string json:"dgraph.type,omitempty"
type CancelFunc func()

func getDgraphClient() (*dgo.Dgraph, CancelFunc) {
conn, err := grpc.Dial(“”, grpc.WithInsecure())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(“While trying to dial gRPC”)

dc := api.NewDgraphClient(conn)
dg := dgo.NewDgraphClient(dc)
// ctx := context.Background()

// Perform login call. If the Dgraph cluster does not have ACL and
// enterprise features enabled, this call should be skipped.
// for {
// Keep retrying until we succeed or receive a non-retriable error.
// err = dg.Login(ctx, “groot”, “password”)
// if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), “Please retry”) {
// break
// }
// time.Sleep(time.Second)
// }
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatalf(“While trying to login %v”, err.Error())
// }

return dg, func() {
if err := conn.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf(“Error while closing connection:%v”, err)

func main() {
dg, cancel := getDgraphClient()
defer cancel()

dob := time.Date(1980, 01, 01, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
// While setting an object if a struct has a Uid then its properties in the graph are updated
// else a new node is created.
// In the example below new nodes for Alice, Bob and Charlie and school are created (since they
// don't have a Uid).
p := Person{
    Uid:     "_:alice",
    Name:    "Alice",
    Age:     26,
    Married: true,
    DType:   []string{"Person"},
    Location: loc{
        Type:   "Point",
        Coords: []float64{1.1, 2},
    Dob: &dob,
    Raw: []byte("raw_bytes"),
    Friends: []Person{{
        Name:  "Bob",
        Age:   24,
        DType: []string{"Person"},
    }, {
        Name:  "Charlie",
        Age:   29,
        DType: []string{"Person"},
    School: []School{{
        Name:  "Crown Public School",
        DType: []string{"Institution"},

op := &api.Operation{}
op.Schema = `
  name: string @index(exact) .
  age: int .
  married: bool .
  loc: geo .
  dob: datetime .
  Friend: [uid] .
  type: string .
  coords: float .

  type Person {
  	name: string
  	age: int
  	married: bool
  	Friend: [Person]
  	loc: Loc

  type Institution {
  	name: string

  type Loc {
  	type: string
  	coords: float


ctx := context.Background()
if err := dg.Alter(ctx, op); err != nil {

mu := &api.Mutation{
    CommitNow: true,
pb, err := json.Marshal(p)
if err != nil {

mu.SetJson = pb
response, err := dg.NewTxn().Mutate(ctx, mu)
if err != nil {

// Assigned uids for nodes which were created would be returned in the response.Uids map.
variables := map[string]string{"$id1": response.Uids["alice"]}
q := `query Me($id1: string){
  me(func: uid($id1)) {
  	friend @filter(eq(name, "Bob")){
  	school {


resp, err := dg.NewTxn().QueryWithVars(ctx, q, variables)
if err != nil {

type Root struct {
    Me []Person `json:"me"`

var r Root
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Json, &r)
if err != nil {

out, _ := json.MarshalIndent(r, "", "\t")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", out)


1 Like

Thanks Deepak and welcome to the community!

We also have a full working example use of dgo at https://dgraph.io/docs/clients/#complete-example

PS: Your post is not properly marked-down for code. Please rectify so the community can benefit.

Right. But the example https://dgraph.io/docs/clients/#complete-example calls the function getDgraphClient(), which is not available in the file. I took it from the test cases. You may want to update the example to that extent.


I don’t see it call getDgraphClient(). Am I missing something?

I was referring to the following link:

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