Export Dgraph on Version 1.1.0

I’m running on Dgraph v1.1 using the Docker image.
When trying to run the Curl command to export my database, i’m getting the error: Dgraph browser is available for running separately using the dgraph-ratel binary
However, When i’m running the same command on version v20.07 it works!
How can I export the v1.1 database? Thanks!

Here is the Curl:

curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/graphql’ localhost:8080/admin -d '
        mutation {
            export(input: {format: “rdf”}) {
              response {

welcome @shkolar-sisense!
Try curl localhost:8080/admin/export
You will find the exported data in the “export” folder.

Thanks @anand!

I’m getting the following error: {"errors":[{"message":"Invalid method","extensions":{"code":"ErrorInvalidMethod"}}]}

Am I missing something? :frowning:

This is the Curl:

Curl -H ‘Content-Type: application/graphql’ localhost:8080/admin/export -d '
        mutation {
            export(input: {format: “rdf”}) {
              response {

You just need to send the curl command as-is.
curl localhost:8080/admin/export
The newer versions of Dgraph have a graphql endpoint for export. I am not sure if this feature is available in v1.1.

Works! Thanks!

@anand Hi, once we successfully export on version 1.1 what command do we run for import?

Welcome @Ilan_NG!
You can use fast loading tools documented here to import data. You will need to pass the Dgraph schema and the rdf data file from the exported data to these tools.