Going out of business? (short answer from Dgraph is, NO)

@jdgamble555 I don’t know what you have against me. But, I can tell you that you have no idea what you’re talking about – you have no idea what I’m good at or what I’m not good at. So, please – stop unnecessarily attacking me.

As I mentioned in the other thread, the ball is in the VCs court. I have no control over what they choose to do with the company. That’s what happens when you take money from VCs. They get preferred stock and that gives them exclusive rights over the life / death of the company.

I’ve build Dgraph over the last 6 years. And I fully intend to support and continue the effort of maintaining and building upon Dgraph personally, irrespective of whatever happens with this company. That is the only assurance I can provide you guys right now.

I’m pushing all angles to get a decision made by end of this month.