I would like to report something that looks like a bug to me

First, I’m using Dgraph from scratch (docker).

Second, I made some mutations before that happens.

Third, I created a “user” and it gave me a relatively larger uid than it should come. I made just under 30 mutations, but Dgraph gave me a UID with two decimal places. 0x0000. Is UID Random?

Third, I did a @reverse link directly with the UIDs. Adding only facets as an extra info.

End, the terminal returns me a rejection. However, if I use a small UID it returns success.

(node:15428) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 35): Error: Uid: [10001] cannot be greater than lease: [10000]

UPDATE to reproduce using JS client:

contractor_of: uid @reverse .

<0x6> <contractor_of> <0x2711> (since=2017-11-22T15:04:05) .#don’t worked
<0x6> <contractor_of> <0x271> (since=2017-11-22T15:04:05) .#did worked

If it’s a reproducible bug, I’d recommend filing a Github issue.

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I’ll test soon in other PC. However, it may (Big if on the JS gRPC lib) be a problem in the js client - I wanted to test mutation via HTTP fetch() to make it easier, but I did not succeed - just alter and query. I’ve already created others users and all they come with UIDs larger than 0xEEEE. This amount of numbers gives me this error of “cannot be greater than lease”.

If I figure out how to mutate via Fecth or someone test with another client creating multiple large UIDs and get the same error doing the same as me - I’ll open the Issue.

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