Kubernetes port names don't match Istio's port naming conventions

Moved from GitHub dgraph/5530

Posted by danielmai:

What version of Dgraph are you using?

v20.03.1 latest

Have you tried reproducing the issue with the latest release?


What is the hardware spec (RAM, OS)?


Steps to reproduce the issue (command/config used to run Dgraph).

  1. Run Dgraph on Kubernetes using dgraph-ha.yaml or helm chart.
  2. Use Istio service mesh.

Istio provides routing and metrics based on the protocol of the port. It follows a naming convention of <protocol>[-suffix] to get the protocol of the port, or by using appProtocol.

The sample port names from the Dgraph Kubernetes config don’t follow this naming convention. For example, it uses alpha-grpc for port 9080 instead of grpc-alpha.

Expected behaviour and actual result.

Changing the port names would give Istio users an easier time integrating with the default config.