Limit on @normalize

When we use @normalize directive, for few queries getting following error

io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNKNOWN: Couldn’t evaluate @normalize directive - to many results

is there any pre defined limitation or is it due to bad queries?

I have run my query without @normalize and got 1653 nodes and 13867 edges in result. As I understand there is a pre defined limit on normalize query which is set to 10000.

I have modified my query to following

var(func: eq(person_name, "PERSON1")) {
            A as profile_id{
result_data(func: uid(A))@normalize{

I have tried to use pagination using (func: uid(A), first: 10000) but still getting same exception. I would like to know whether pagination can be used to handle limitation issue or we have any other solution to fix it.

To use paging correctly. You need to combine with offset. That way you will be able to collect what you need in batches.

@MichelDiz I have tried following query but still facing same issue

(func: uid(A),  after: 0, first: 10){
   // sub queries with filters