I use custom DQL query for graphql which schema as below
type ReturnData @remote {
name: String
count: Int
type Attributemap @remote {
groupby: [ReturnData] @remoteResponse(name: "@groupby")
type Query {
queryAttribute(attr: String!): [Attributemap] @custom(dql: """
query q($attr: string) {
queryAttribute(func: type(Product)) @groupby(name:Product.$attr) {
Here i want to use same query for group by any Product type parameters. for that i use $attr variable as below which is not working while execute DQL query.
White run below DQL query it’s return correct results.
queryAttribute(func: type(Product)) @groupby(name:Product.cost) {
Here also need to pass DQL filter variables @filter(eq(Product.name,"ABC")..)
as dynamically.