qq @Anurag (as you worked on k-path) @Ashish @pawan
Some context How to store ordered data? - #4 by MichelDiz if needed.
k shortest path also has this very same structure
Considering this structure taken from a recurse query. would it be possible to extract the order presented to generate an order in a next block? e.g
var(func: eq(title, "Series ABC" )){
G as articles @filter(not has(<~next>))
q(func: uid(G)) @recurse {
The structure
"q": [
"title": "first article",
"next": {
"title": "second article",
"next": {
"title": "third article",
"next": {
"title": "fourth article",
"next": {
"title": "fifth article",
"next": {
"title": "sixth article"
articles(func: uid(GET_ALL), orderdesc: val(GET_ALL)) {
The response I have is
"articles": [
"uid": "0x9c82",
"title": "sixth article"
"uid": "0x9c83",
"title": "fifth article"
"uid": "0x9c84",
"title": "fourth article"
"uid": "0x9c85",
"title": "third article"
"uid": "0x9c86",
"title": "second article"
But the desirable would be:
"articles": [
"uid": "0x9c86",
"title": "second article"
"uid": "0x9c85",
"title": "third article"
"uid": "0x9c84",
"title": "fourth article"
"uid": "0x9c83",
"title": "fifth article"
"uid": "0x9c82",
"title": "sixth article"