I have a question relating to sorting with a nested key, and filtering at the same time. This is a Q&A (question and answer) kind of application like Stack Overflow. Here is the schema.
type Question {
title: string
description: string
owner: User
answers: [Answer]
createdTs: datetime
type Answer {
description: string
owner: User
createdTs: datetime
type User {
firstName: string
lastName: string
answers: [uid] @reverse .
owner: uid @reverse .
I want to create a query to fetch “My Answers”, which should return the questions, to which a particular user posted answers, and the questions to be sorted by the order of the created time of the answer. So, that I can see the question to which I posted an answer recently, on the top.
This is a common use case, like the Stack Overflow’s My Answers section. Can someone help me out? I have tried several methods, but nothing gives exactly what I’m looking for.
I don’t remember what I have answered him. But it was like (with several modifications as uid_in accepts variables now)
#Get the answers based on the user traversing via reverse edges
me(func: eq(firstName, "Michel")) @filter(eq(lastName, "Diz")) {
#User Level
<~owner> {
#Answer Level
<~answers> {
#Question Level
#Get the answers based on the user
ME as var(func: eq(firstName, "Michel")) @filter(eq(lastName, "Diz"))
#Traversing via reverse edges and returning only my answers
me(func: uid(ME)) @cascade {
#User Level
<~owner> {
#Answer Level
<~answers> {
#Question Level
answers @filter(uid_in(owner, uid(ME) )) (orderasc: createdTs) {
#Answer Level
Note that this query isn’t tested anywhere. I just read the schema and imagined how it would be.