The linked example deletes the Alice node and all of its outgoing edges, however, shouldn’t a S * * delete delete all of Alice’s outgoing edges, but leave the Alice node alone?
Hi Francis, S * * means “clean the whole node”. The node will still exist, but with no values or edges.
If you wanna clean just specific outgoing edges. You have to do: S P *
Note The patterns * P O and * * O are not supported since its expensive to store/find all the incoming edges.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification. I think this bit in the docs should be clarified:
The pattern S * * deletes all edges out of a node (the node itself may remain as the target of edges), any reverse edges corresponding to the removed edges and any indexing for the removed data.
From the wording, it sounds like the node itself and its own predicates are kept, but the edges are deleted.
If I need to do a S P * delete, what’s the best way?