I have spent two days to study Dgraph and it seems quite interesting and promising database. The TOUR and curl examples helped a lot to understand Dgraph. I am testing it for our company new projects. But I failed in the first in the first phase, installing the client (pydgraph). In our company, python and scala are main language and I am not familiar with GO, I tried to copy & paste go code to run simple tests, but not succeed.
Are there plans to continue maintaining and developing pydgraph package?
The commands I used were:
git clone https://github.com/dgraph-io/pydgraph
cd pydgraph
python setup.py test (Failed)
The tests were failed.
test_mutation_and_query (tests.test_queries.DgraphClientTestCases) ... ERROR
test_mutation_and_query_two_levels (tests.test_queries.DgraphClientTestCases) ... ERROR
ERROR: test_mutation_and_query (tests.test_queries.DgraphClientTestCases)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/tests/test_queries.py", line 53, in test_mutation_and_query
response = self.client.query(query_string)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/pydgraph/client.py", line 38, in query
response = self.stub.Query(request, timeout)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/pydgraph/utils/loader.py", line 23, in Query
return self.unary(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/.eggs/grpcio-1.2.0-py3.6-macosx-10.12-x86_64.egg/grpc/_channel.py", line 507, in __call__
return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, call, False, deadline)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/.eggs/grpcio-1.2.0-py3.6-macosx-10.12-x86_64.egg/grpc/_channel.py", line 455, in _end_unary_response_blocking
raise _Rendezvous(state, None, None, deadline)
grpc._channel._Rendezvous: <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with (StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE, Endpoint read failed)>
ERROR: test_mutation_and_query_two_levels (tests.test_queries.DgraphClientTestCases)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/tests/test_queries.py", line 90, in test_mutation_and_query_two_levels
response = self.client.query(query_string)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/pydgraph/client.py", line 38, in query
response = self.stub.Query(request, timeout)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/pydgraph/utils/loader.py", line 23, in Query
return self.unary(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/.eggs/grpcio-1.2.0-py3.6-macosx-10.12-x86_64.egg/grpc/_channel.py", line 507, in __call__
return _end_unary_response_blocking(state, call, False, deadline)
File "/Users/cliu/funniest/pydgraph/.eggs/grpcio-1.2.0-py3.6-macosx-10.12-x86_64.egg/grpc/_channel.py", line 455, in _end_unary_response_blocking
raise _Rendezvous(state, None, None, deadline)
grpc._channel._Rendezvous: <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with (StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE, Endpoint read failed)>
Ran 2 tests in 0.016s
FAILED (errors=2)
Test failed: <unittest.runner.TextTestResult run=2 errors=2 failures=0>
error: Test failed: <unittest.runner.TextTestResult run=2 errors=2 failures=0>