Python3 import error

Moved from GitHub pydgraph/9

Posted by manuel-delverme:

when i try to initialize it i get:

import pydgraph.client
pydgraph.client.DgraphClient("localhost", 8001)

ImportError: No module named 'graphresponse_pb2'

but if change the cwd like this:
!cd /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/pydgraph

everything works

pydgraph.client.DgraphClient("localhost", 8001)

<pydgraph.client.DgraphClient at 0x7f5ecfb3b128>

jimanvlad commented :


Where do you change the CWD? I am getting the same error.

gpahal commented :

Python 3 import should now work properly. For example, refer the README.