Robert Zhu - Full-Stack Type Safety with React, GraphQL, TypeScript, and GraphQL Codegen

About Robert

Hi, I’m Robert, a Principal Developer Advocate at AWS! I also contribute to Hacker Noon, writing about web development and tech.

Full-Stack Type Safety with React, GraphQL, TypeScript, and GraphQL Codegen

In this talk, Robert will dive deep into one of the GraphQL superpowers: type safety. Robert will show how to bootstrap a full-stack TypeScript project that uses the GraphQL schema as a way to detect and prevent breaking API changes.

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Do you have a definition of type safety? The usual game is all about preservation and progress. Can you explain how that would work across GraphQL schemas?

Hi Robert, I am relatively new to Graph but would like to ask could you show/compare/demonstrate the “safety” which you mentioned as superpower?
Also, why would you consider it as such?

Thanks & looking forward to your note!

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Looking forward to finding out how you publish your types and your server ?simultaneously? to keep them in sync. We’re using this stack, so be good to see alternative approaches to this problem!

can graphql work on different protocols like long polling and websockets, UDP etc ?

GraphQL actually has support for Subscriptions (over WebSockets). And Slash GraphQL does support this out of the box.

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